Yep. And I think that is also one of the things that I say to folks is, just you to hear me apologize all the time, is that it’s so complicated what we’re doing in terms of having to know the RIA space, which you can get a PhD on, understanding RIAs alone, having to understand crypto, bring in the right mindset, you know, we’re essentially early, so we’re building the future. So, you have to be a really good storyteller and get people to understand that. So, I think for the purposes of this conversation, right, it’s advisors who listen to this, there are advisors who are probably skeptics, there are advisors who are way down the rabbit hole, like myself, and I think folks just want to know, right? And I always say, I’m a bad proxy, because I’ve been doing it forever. It’s hard for me to relate now to the advisor still trying to figure out the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum. I understand, I relate, I’ve been there. But, being so far away, it’s really good to get people who are on the frontlines and talking to them. So, let’s spend a little bit of time there. What are you hearing and or seeing, right, in conversations with advisors who you talk to every day, in terms of what their concerns are, what they’re excited about? Because I think that’s what people really want to know, what questions are advisors asking, what are their concerns? And I don’t think there’s anybody better to answer that than you.

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