
  • Comisarul CFTC Kristin Johnson îndeamnă Congresul să extindă autoritatea agenției pentru a revizui achizițiile de criptomonede

 – Crypto News

Comisarul CFTC Kristin Johnson îndeamnă Congresul să extindă autoritatea agenției pentru a revizui achizițiile de criptomonede – Crypto News

Asemenea creșteri meteorice, a explicat Johnson, sunt adesea urmate de un final prea obișnuit: „Ca o clipă, într-o clipă, bursa suspendă operațiunile, închide ferestrele pentru retrageri, reduce traficul pe site-ul său și declară faliment.” . lăsând clienții furiosi, investitorii uimiți și creditorii să

2023-01-26T19:53:21+00:00January 26th, 2023|
  • CoinDesk Confidential: Kristin Smith – Crypto News

CoinDesk Confidential: Kristin Smith – Crypto News

The Proust Questionnaire – an old-style magazine format popular in the French novelist's day – asks a series of personal, philosophical and prosaic questions that, in theory, present a side of a person not often seen. Here, Kristin Smith, the heart, soul and

2022-05-31T19:50:09+00:00May 31st, 2022|
  • CoinDesk Confidential: Kristin Smith – Crypto News

CoinDesk Confidential: Kristin Smith – Crypto News

The Proust Questionnaire – an old-style magazine format popular in the French novelist's day – asks a series of personal, philosophical and prosaic questions that, in theory, present a side of a person not often seen. Here, Kristin Smith, the heart, soul and

2022-05-31T19:50:09+00:00May 31st, 2022|

Most Influential 2021: Kristin Smith – Crypto News

This year, crypto emerged as a political force, with many Washington-based lobbyists fomenting the charge. Executive director of the Blockchain Association, Kristin Smith, a former congressional staffer and familiar face on the Hill, has been the voice for much of this change-making. Her

2021-12-10T20:17:00+00:00December 10th, 2021|
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